hurricane harvey home elevation infographic

Frequency of Storms in Texas

  • Tropical Storm or Hurricane 3 out of every 4 years
  • Most serious threat is flooding
  • The weaker the system, the higher the probability for heavy rains and catastrophic flooding

Recent Major Houston-Area Storms

  • Alicia (1983)
  • Allison (1989)
  • Charley (1998)
  • Allison (2001)
  • Tax Day Flood (2016)
  • Memorial Day Flood (2016)
  • Harvey (2017)

3 Ways to Lift your Home to Protect it from Flood Damage

home elevation methods

More Resources on House Raising

olshan home elevation


Well, our foundation was repaired this week. It is AMAZING!!!!! Once they "jacked" it up you could immediately tell the difference! So cool! When you walk to that side of the house, you don't go downhill. Oh my goodness - what a HUGE difference. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

- Bev & Mike, Austin TX